A nice evening to spend in the company: we park the car and go to our destination.Not before having paid the most odious charge (and illegal) of all: to franelero duty.Between Naples and the province, but now throughout Italy, springing up like mushrooms after the rain, one or even twoat every street corner in the nightlife areas and near a hospital.The idea is to exploit the technology to "flush out" these extortionists full blown.Thus it was born Car parker, an application for iPhone, Android and Windows Phone that allows you to send free "Anonymous" reports from any point of Italy where you are.The system, through geolocation, allows you to specify the exact point of the city where there are the unauthorized parking. You can, in addition, indicate if the payment is "at will" (ie a sum to bargain with the "employee" of the moment) and if someone has suffered threats or damage to their cars.